About The North Main Church of Christ
What To Expect When You Visit
Not knowing what to expect when you visit can be daunting. Rest assured you will be warmly welcomed. We will not bring undue attention to you during our Bible classes or worship and we do not solicit money from you in anyway. We may ask that you fill out a visitors card so that we may have a record of your attendance, but that is entirely voluntary. We value your presence and your desire to know God and would like for you to continue coming to our Bible classes and worship.
We have added the information below so that you may understand more about about our beliefs and worship. Please take the time to read it.
Why The Bible Is Our Only Guide
The Bible is our only guide because it is the only book that comes from God and the only book that correctly shows us how to get to Heaven. 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 says the following: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” Since everything that we need to be complete in God’s sight is given to us in this book, we do not need any other books such as the Book of Mormon or the Koran. If a person will read, believe, and obey the Bible, then he or she will end up in Heaven with God for all eternity. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
The Five Acts Of Worship
When it comes to worshiping God, there are “five acts of worship” that Christians participated in back in the 1st century. In order for our worship to be acceptable to God, we “must worship Him in spirit and in truth” according to John 4:20-24. Thus we must worship as Christians worshiped under the guidance of the inspired Apostles. And we do so by participating in the same “five acts of worship” that they practiced back then. Those five acts of worship are as follows: “Singing” (Ephesians 5:19); “Prayer” (1st Timothy 2:1-4); “Laying by in store” (1st Corinthians 16:1-2); “Preaching” (1st Corinthians 14:19); and the “Lord’s Supper” (Acts 20:7). Two of these items are to be done only upon the “1st day of the week” and that is the Lord’s Supper and the Laying By in Store. This is the manner that God’s people worshiped in the 1st century and it should be done this way by Christians today.
The Work Of The Church
It is important to understand that since Jesus has been “given to be head over all things to the church, which is His body…” (Ephesians 1:19-22), then the church can do only those things that have been authorized by Christ. That is the meaning of Colossians 3:17 which says that “…whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” and that includes the work of the church. There are three primary works that the church is to do: “Evangelism” (1st Timothy 3:15); “Edification” (Ephesians 4:12); and “Benevolence” (Romans 15:25-26). Evangelism is preaching the gospel primarily to the lost while Edification involves preaching the gospel to strengthen Christians. And Benevolence involves helping needy Christians. These duties and only these duties are the work of the church under the authority of Jesus Christ. When churches become involved in all sorts of social activities, they are violating the authority of Jesus Christ.